- 2023.7.12
Hi again! Continuation of the previous post here. Before we move on to After look, let me give you some more details.
・施術トータル時間 (Total Hours):4時間 (4 hours)
・ブリーチ回数 (Times of Bleaching):2回 (2 times)
・カラー回数 (Times of Dyeing):2回 (2 times)
Before 写真で見てとれるように、赤みのある状態からのスタートということもあって今回はブリーチを2回しています。しかし時間が限られていたこともあって少し黄色みが残った状態でカラーの工程に入ることにしました。
As you can see in the Before photos in the last post, he had reddish brown hair which required 2 times of bleaching, yet the yellowishness was still there. However, we had to move on to dyeing because of lack of time… 😞
We needed 2 times of dyeing. Usually it requires more than one to make it look more even.
As expected, original perm he had became a bit milder after the process, but it is not gone completely.
Not having mush time and also because of his will, we did not do any treatment at all, and so, very sad to say, but the hair texture now is not very smooth. 😟
Those who would like to have high-tone color but also maintain the smoothness, we strongly recommend that you have some treatment at the same time. 😁

We have 『Purple Shampoo』in the salon, and you can use this at home so that the color won’t fade away so easily. If you have any questions, feel free to ask us!
REBEAUX team has always been exited to make your dream hairstyle come true. If you don’t know which salon to go but wish to become newer yourself, REBEAUX is always here for you. 😊